Where do stories come from? The usual response, at least in my experience, is everyday inspiration: encounters or observations that spark curiosity, and thus, story. Sometimes it’s an article about the latest breakthrough in food processing, or plague, or an obituary two lines long. Maybe you hear about the Mango Man, a thousand stories in…
Bamboo Shoots Submission for Fishing100
Pueo Calls
747 words
“The persistence of Pidgin in the islands despite widespread assimilation of American culture and the concerted efforts of educators to stamp it out, suggests that it is less a matter of Pidgin speakers being unable to speak standard English but their choosing it as a symbol of local identity.” – Darrell H.Y. Lum, Local Genealogy:…
Bamboo Shoots Submission for Fishing100
780 words.
Bamboo Shoots Submission for Fishing100
800 words.
Bamboo Shoots Submission for General Prose
I asked my mother once how I was made. Imagining then, that my outsides a single sheet of flesh sewn near the elbows, behind the knees in places I could not see. I did not know of science, biology, cosmetology; the anatomy of how things worked. Instead, I dreamed of great craftsmen, who with their…
Bamboo Shoots Submission for Fishing100
Deal Wit It
1182 words.
Bamboo Shoots Submission for Fishing100
182 words.
Bamboo Shoots Submission for Fishing100
In Time
576 words.
Bamboo Shoots Submission for Fishing100
What did the Haole say to the Podagee?
237 words.