As you may recall, 29 of the pieces that were submitted between July 2010 and June 2011 for both the original 100-Word Contest and the 100 – 100 Contest were honored at the Wine and Words 100th Issue event in July. Now, out of all the pieces submitted between July 2011 and January 2012, we…
Bamboo Shoots Submission for Fishing100
Our summer jump rope songs (219)
One summer, all I did was jump rope on the street in front of my house. My hands go so calloused and my feet were black, but it was worth it. After that summer, I never jumped roped again, I'd gotten enough I told everyone. But the truth, well I told myself If I jump rope again, it will be like that summer is over, and to me, it never ended.
Congratulations to the December winners in The Great BR Fishing & Wishing 100 – 100 Contest. Each has won 10 Bamboo Bucks to use at the BR online store: Here are the December winners and the name of the award they’ve won: Da mos Float Like one Buttahfly, Sting Like one Bee Award: “Inertia,”…
Bamboo Shoots Submission for Fishing100
Kazuhiro Mochidome
January entry (Themes 1, 5, 6, 10, 11, & 14), BR Fishing & Wishing 100 – 100 Contest, 99 words
Bamboo Shoots Submission for Fishing100
All Things Considered
I have worked as a journalist. As such, my mentors trained me to produce accurate, well-sourced material quickly. In the last few years, I have been writing fiction. Art provides the opportunity to linger on a scene and use imagination. One day, I stopped to consider how people, “sources,” feel sometimes on the other side of my notebook.
159 Words
The January writing theme choices — with the exception of the last one — are inspired by BR issues #21 and #22. Note: For further creative inspiration, if you’d like to read the pieces used for the theme choices, you can find them here: “To Buddy, on the Edge,” by Dean H. Honma “Poem for…
Bamboo Shoots Submission for Fishing100
1156 words. Incorporating a couple of the December themes.
Bamboo Shoots Submission for Fishing100
Laziness And The Art Of Procrastination
“Hey, did you finish your project yet?” my friend Thomas asked me at lunch.
“What project?” I asked back.
“The science one. Don’t you remember? It’s due tomorrow,” he said.
“Oh shit… I ate that." 1487 words
Bamboo Shoots Submission for Fishing100
A Motown Christmas
Decking the halls, Motown style…
1552 words, 100 Lines
Bamboo Shoots Submission for Fishing100
Pau Already
323 words (a couple different themes from December)