Homeless haiku

Shangri-La waiting

Disturbed by sidewalk scene

Shirtless sleeping man.


Weeds and shirtless man

Sidewalk sleeping yet come spring,

Weeds flower.

eyk 1/25/25 Looking across Beretania Street to the sidewalks of Thomas Square while waiting to get on a bus for the tour of the Doris Duke estate and art.  I was struck by the contrast.

For houseless their stuff

Pampered pets for well to do

All pushed in strollers.

eyk 11/7/24


Under umbrella

Wanders with cart pulled slow …

But no place to go.

eyk 6/7/2024.  While waiting at a Wahiawa stoplight, I noticed a man under an umbrella, slowly pulling a cart of his belongings.   He was moving slowly as he seemed to have no where to go.

Gleaming glass towers

But with view that overlooks

Houseless below.

eyk 6/10/2024 scene from Thomas Square


Umbrella pulled low

Limbs tucked hidden from sight

Homeless hides from  . . . sun?

eyk 6/29/2024. This was a scene I saw of a person, sitting on the grass at a street corner.  The person had his/her belongings next to the umbrella while she/he was shielded from the sun?


But for her dog

All alone She crosses street

Pushing cart of woes.

eyk 9/12/24 While waiting at stoplight of Piikoi and Lunalilo, under the freeway.


Women of the street

One pale, frail and gaunt but

The hen, fat and plump.

eyk 4/20/2023 the chicken looked she was doing better than the homeless woman.


Homeless and hungry

Haunting roadside with a sign,

But I look away.

eyk 2/4/2024. Leaving COSTCO, while I waited at a traffic light, the wild eyed houseless person wandered by with his sign.  I locked my doors but could help feeling a little guilty.  I was reminded of a biblical story that described a wild man wandering the tombs whom no one could restrain.





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