Deep Water

Deep Water Old rhythms persist— I wash, and she dries dishes After meals turned silent By stillborn thoughts.   I am a visitor in mother’s kitchen Where clutter and restraint sit side by side, Pots stored on stove burners, Pans stacked neatly in the oven While cups and bowls scatter Across green linoleum counters.  …

You Asked

You Asked I never wore Obsession, that spicy fragrance sold at Macy’s.  But it’s what happens when     something interests me, like ostrich ranching for its feather plumes, humungous eggs, and     leather.  Then, there’s Kdramas that drug me with the push-pull romance, mystery, horror,and comedy in every season.  Or, that nudibranch I found in the froth…

When I Am Gone

When I Am Gone There’s something about stones that lure us to remember loved ones who have passed on.  At my father’s grave, we stand hip-cocked or sit, chatting about Sissie’s new boyfriend, and life on this side of heaven.  I wistfully look at my Dad’s gravestone.  My boys say, “No need for you, Ma! …

Bird Watcher

Bird Watcher            My grandfather drove his 59 Chevy Impala and us every Sunday to the church in Nuuanu.  It was a long and boring ride on the road from Wahiawa that took us alongside cane fields.   If I was lucky, I’d see long-legged white birds, high stepping and pecking here and there looking for…

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