Top Five Regrets of the Dying: #4. “I wish I had stayed in touch with my friends.”

threads of silver dots trailed down the moi’s back streaking into an elevator grey into black broken tips pulled apart she caressed its glistening white underbelly she knew it was something to keep her warm she released its body in the delectable downstream along its scaled sides her fingers rolled pushing it towards the gritty…

Grey Fantasy: I Felt Ill–at ease in a suit, really?

A woman poses in front of a mirror in Hugo Boss wool-blended, sharply tailored with trousers (not pants) A ten-year-old girl stands on the other side of the mirror She prefers riding swings at Booth Park and catching crayfish in Nu’uanu Stream Afterwards she’s polka-dotted a Mercurochrome red Her legs can’t scoop blue skies and…

I Never Asked Him about the Dark Woman in the Photo

I heard my parents arguing until the coldest part of the night held hostage “happily ever” from my mom. Afterward, they shared no one bed and erased their anniversary celebrations. We ate in silence: pan fried liver and sweated onions. I wasn’t supposed to know my father brought her into our living room, past our…

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