June 2024 Year of the Tiger Bamboo Shoots Writing Challenge Winners : )

Aiya!  No more winners cuz no more entries. Wow. That’s little bit tragic, uh? I canna believe everyone in the world stopped writing. That’s majorly bad. Oh well, Lanning still hacking away. I would give him the 10 Bamboo Bucks just for having entered every month for the past 15 years, but I know he would say to give it to someone else. He’s a selfless kind of guy. Real little bit humble. Nice enough guy.  Sorta hard worker. Easy-going mostly. I kine-a like him, even though I never met him except online.  Keep writing, Lanning.  I don’t know.  You’re might even be an inspiration to somebody. Who knows?  Looking forward to the day we finally get to meet.  I bet you are one really handsome guy.  Well, you know, old handsome.  High five, brah, if you can still get it up.

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