Chromatophoric Christmas Lights

A living equivalent of undersea Christmas lights is the slimy cephalopod we know as the giant Pacific octopus. It’s color changing skin cells create a veritable light show of twinkling greens, blues, silvers, and golds. A cunning octopus commands a camouflage of dots and yellows to blend in with the surrounding sand, an excited one…

Where for Watch Waipahu New Year’s Eve, 2010

“Why’re we stopping?” “This the best place.” Skeptical, Esme opened the door, careful of the guardrail. There, she stood in the narrow space between. They had parked just before the exit curved down, merging with Farrington Hwy. The high school was visible still, but the neighborhoods…. There were no houses or streetlight poles, only shingled…

A Beggar’s Christmas, 1947, Parts One and Two

Editor’s note. To make this month’s entry easier to understand, Part One, here, was submitted last year. You will see Part Two below. Part One was also published in Bamboo Ridge. East Bremerton was called Manette back then, and it had the same relationship to the Navy town of Bremerton as Brooklyn has to Manhattan:…

Year of the Monkey Writing Contest for December : )

So now you’ve finished your holiday shopping right? No? What happened to you on Black Friday? Chicken? Nevah like go? Boo hoo for you. So while you’re contemplating your unfulfilled gift list, take a little time to write something for December. We’re going up up up this month again. Sooooooooooooooooooo You can write a haiku…

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