Not. Pau. Yet!

What do two editors get after thirty years, ninety issues, and countless discussions/ruminations/days of "What is local literature?" A birthday bash, that’s what! December 5th, 2008 begins as a sunny day in Waikiki. I search for parking in the Hale Koa Hotel’s lot and wonder how many cars belong to beachgoers. When I get to…

Koa Canoe

Sometimes you write things as they come to you. But the good ones always write themselves. I say this is good only because it makes me feel good. This poem came to me as many do-as a series of vivid images. (probably stemmed from the paddlers I see heading out every afternoon.) In about ten minutes in the middle of my day these images came out of nowhere-I had to stop in the middle of what I was doing and quickly jot down something before they were gone from me. When I got home it took me three hours to figure out how to describe them and another three weeks to tweek them into sense….let me know what you think if you would?

What is the point?

Recently I gave a presentation at the annual symposium of the German Geographical Society’s Marine and Coastal research group. The topic was the Hawaiian Ahupua land- and coastal management concept and how it compares to modern integrated coastal zone management concepts. A few people were interested in more details and were quite amazed about the…

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