Oral History of Wing Tek Lum Session #1

Bamboo Ridge Oral History Project

Interview of Wing Tek Lum, conducted by Ken Tokuno for the Bamboo Ridge Oral History Project via Zoom, on August 19, 2022. Wing Tek speaks about his education, his involvement in the emerging Asian American movement, the 1978 Talk Story conference, the Hawai‘i Literary Arts Council, his writing process and what influences his poetry, his time at Bamboo Ridge, and what he considers the four phases of Bamboo Ridge. Wing Tek also recalls Stephen Sumida, Marie Hara, Eric Chock, Darrell Lum, and others.

Oral History of Juliet S. Kono Lee

Bamboo Ridge Oral History Project

Interview of Juliet S. Kono Lee, conducted by Scott Kikkawa for the Bamboo Ridge Oral History Project via Zoom, in the summer of 2022. Juliet S. Kono Lee speaks of her family history; her childhood, notably the 1946 tsunami; her education; her development as a writer; her impressions of Bamboo Ridge and the literary community; and her future writing projects. Juliet S. Kono Lee also recalls Eric Chock, Marie Hara, Darrell Lum, and others.

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