September 2022
Dear friend of Bamboo Ridge Press:
I am a retired Honolulu daily newspaper editor and a long-time supporter of Bamboo Ridge Press, which began 44 years ago as a pioneering medium for local writers seeking more island-based opportunities to publish their work.
That important role continues, and over recent decades Bamboo Ridge has grown its field of contributors to include the writing, photography, and art of others who have shared, experienced, or observed life in Hawai‘i and the Pacific. Its periodic anthologies also have showcased a wide-angled array of community voices, words, and images from a cultural kaleidoscope that reflects an ever-changing region.
BRP continues to present the works of individual authors many have come to know personally through their stories, poems, plays and public reading events the Press has sponsored over the years. At the same time, the expanding horizons of its publications have added new perspectives from other islands and continents to a welcoming pursuit of diverse narratives.
We have this homegrown independent literary small press to thank for displaying achievement in print, design, illustration, and other results of creativity benefiting from greater attention. Anyone who’s mailed a gift issue of Bamboo Ridge to a reader elsewhere has likely received enthusiastic thanks and praise for the quality content, professional presentation, and depth of talent expressed in its pages.
Support for non-profit Bamboo Ridge Press does more than encourage those whose work appears in its publications. It can help increase the audience for local literature, reaching more readers to share the voices of Hawai‘i.
If you’re not already a subscriber or donor, please consider joining now to further BRP’s success. If you have been a supporter, mahalo for your help! Please accept our hopes for renewed generosity.
John E. Simonds
This letter was written for our annual direct mail newsletter. It has info about coming releases and books that your donations will help fund in 2023!
Ways to show your support
- Make a tax-deductible donation directly to Bamboo Ridge Press.
- Donate to BRP through the Foodland Give Aloha Program and email the details to <[email protected]> so we can acknowledge your generosity.
- Start, renew, or give a subscriptions to Bamboo Ridge
- Attend our upcoming in-person or virtual events!
- Buy and give BRP merchandise and talk to people about our books.
- Help us reconnect with contributors that we have lost touch with.
- Post your writing in Bamboo Shoots on our website
- Follow us on social media, @BambooRidge
- Donate your car, truck, van, motorcycle, or boat to BRP
through Kokua in Kind. - Shop smile.amazon.com and support BRP.
- Watch videos on our YouTube Channel.
- Visit the BR Digital Archives on the Kapi‘olani Community College’s DSpace repository.
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