This is a 100-word contest entry for October. How long is your list?
Bamboo Shoots Submission for Year of the Dragon
Miles Away She Watches
This is a Year of the Dragon Contest entry for September
100 words
Grandma always knows…
Bamboo Shoots Submission for Year of the Dragon
Nasty Kids
This is a July Year of the Dragon 100-word contest entry. 100 words.
Bamboo Shoots Submission for Year of the Dragon
495 words — This is a Year of the Dragon Contest entry.
Bamboo Shoots Submission for Fishing100
Pau Already
323 words (a couple different themes from December)
Bamboo Shoots Submission for Fishing100
Don't Be Habut
Theme 5- Grown Up Is Better (Although, in some ways, we'll never grow up)
100 words of dialogue (121 words if you count character tags)
In a recent conversation with fellow Bamboo Shoots writer 'BetweenWatersUnseen' I joked that my next submission would be a play, with 100 words of straight dialogue. This is what came out.
Bamboo Shoots Submission for General Prose
So shame
433 words "To you folks"
Bamboo Shoots Submission for Fishing100
We Go…
783 words, 54 lines, Lucky you live Hawaii
Bamboo Shoots Submission for General Prose
Twilight and Sunset
BR 100 word contest
Bamboo Shoots Submission for 100Words
Flirting with a valet in Waikiki
BR 100 Word Contest- October