How Could Clarence Darrow?

Because the law gave him an ethical basis to hide behind money– defend the indefensible, assail the unassailable–he could. It is April. The day is warm on the day of the trial, the smell of coffee fills the halls and for the exhilaration this brings, he could. To save a son staggering in debt, for…

The Blessed

We Are Blessed with flowers and messages inscribed with good wishes, and I think to myself what I really want to say to you with captured words that never leave my imprisoned tongue. Thalia, people do agree I did the right thing no matter what you may believe. We wait in this boat, as the…

Getting harder

The links are getting harder to write. So many directions to take, so many voices to do. The number of choices is daunting. I also felt that I was repeating myself using the color green. I couldn't think of a different color! I also wished to italicize some words, but after several tries, I gave…

Savages Triumph

How long the trial felt. Seemed like years. Watching the trial was like watching the leaves of the Kamani trees do their slow twist in the wind, the sun illuminating the undersides in a gathering of hope. To fill the long hours, I crocheted mechanically, and winced at the words each time they mentioned rape,…

Of Strong Values

of strong values the Buddha says there are three poisons in life greed, anger, ignorance. of greed where they once came and sucked everything dry the awapua'a one's breath one's body one's heart the kai'a'ulu winds takes many forms a greed formed of their religion the need to convert with great speed the Noble Savage…

Based on Race

In 1962, I lived on Chun Hoon Lane, which was right across Frog Lane, School Street dividing the two. Everything below School and Vineyard, and between Kauluwela Stream and Liliha Street, had been condemned for redevelopment, urban renewal, which was to take place soon after the bridge over the new freeway (H-1) was completed. Chun…

Based on Race

My neighbor once said, “We the under-dogs. We don’t have a chance. Look the Fukunaga boy— In no time, they hang him.” My heart gave way in anguish when they took my son away in the middle of the night. Accused. After that, I didn’t want to show my face. So ashamed, I didn’t want…

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