Theme – Unlady-like. 100 words.
Bamboo Shoots Submission for Fishing100
Ode to Wailupe
"I took a deep breath in anticipation of our shared love for this sacred spot." Theme #9 Nostalgia. 900 words
Bamboo Shoots Submission for Fishing100
Summer of 1981
The world belonged to us. (100 words)
Bamboo Shoots Submission for Fishing100
Beloved Pukas
Like father like daughter. 227 words
Bamboo Shoots Submission for Fishing100
What compelled it to squeeze its way into this trap? 550 words
Bamboo Shoots Submission for Fishing100
There's a message in its utter powerlessness: 314 words
Bamboo Shoots Submission for Fishing100
A Letter I Will Never Send to My Son in College
As you struggle through your first year in college, how do I compress what I need to tell you into a few bytes? 466 words