Jean said write whateva— Andy Tanji

I like to surf everyday if I can— Robert Apilado

When Hawaii does sing “Motor poo-poo”— John Shockley

Today I had a ton of fun under the sun— Candace Spence

Spilled milk, just clean it up and move on— Kyle Ho

never seen never heard, never a whisper, not a word— Maia Shideler

his laughter broke upon her like a shattered bottle— Ken Tokuno


Poetry is for everyone ,
so write, she said.

Write whateva! Jean said,
So I wrote:

When Hawaii does sing “Motor poo-poo,”

even though I didn’t know what it meant,
the words came out
as in a dada flash
never seen, never heard,
never a whisper, not a word
tumbled out before that mystery line

so I continued until
his laughter broke upon her like a shattered bottle,
spilled milk,
just clean it up and move on.

Today I had a ton of fun
under our voggy sun where
I like to surf
everyday, if I can, after I write

whateva I can.

Mahalo for reading!

Talk story

  1. HAKEN says:

    Wow, that’s really cool. I should try writing poetry again.

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