Maunalei rain,
drenches the rusty soil of Lana’i,
turning it into torrents of red muddy streams,
splaying across mauka trails and paths.
La’akeaomaunalei watches the rain falling,
its essence gives life to the land,
it quenches the arid fields,
and blesses the ancestral places.
O Maunalei,
a wreath of clouds,
from the lewa of Haleakala,
mists the fog at Ko’ele,
hiding ancestral spirits.
Look at Maunalei,
the gulch overflows and runs seaward,
coloring the shoreline with red silt,
flowing over brown sandy Keomoku,
blessing the dunes of Awalua.
Eia ka mele no ka ua ola o Maunalei,
Tell the story of the rain clouds,
That bring life to the ‘aina,
To the red island of Lana’i.
>>>>>>>>>>> October 2009 by Leilaniolana’i>>>>>>
Prompt: Unknown