Here’s a reposting of the Great BR Short-Short Story Contest Rules

1. The piece can be no more than 100 words long.

2. The piece must have a title, and the title does NOT count against the 100 words.

3. The piece must be submitted on the Bamboo Shoots page of the BR website between July 1, 2010 and midnight December 31, 2010, GMT, and you must be registered on the BR site in order to submit an entry.

4. The author


write “BR 100 word contest” in the “A blurb about your piece or a good quote from your piece” section.

5. Only one submission per calendar month is allowed (six total submissions possible).

6. Any declared “winners” will receive a $10 Bamboo Bucks credit to use in the online BRP store and may or may not be published in the 100th issue of BAMBOO RIDGE : )

Good luck to all of you!

Mahalo for reading!

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