Okay, it’s obvious you folks are all cooking with gas now. Doreen B., I wanted to give you thirty Bamboo Bucks this time, but I talked to my bosses and they said, “What? You crazy? You tink Bamboo Bucks grow on trees o’wot? No can do, Bamboo Buckaroo. Now get outta our office a go do your job. We don’t pay you to throw our Bamboo Bucks away.”
I said, “Pay me? I’m a volunteer.”
They laughed. “Well get outta our office an go do your volunteer job den.”
Oh well, at least they weren’t mean about it, and I’m happy that they acknowledged my volunteer contributions.
Anyway, Doreen B. you, along with stalwarts Jim Harstad, Rbibeau, Darrel, and Homelessinhonolulu have all won the highest Bamboo Bucks amount I’m apparently allowed to give away: ten. Redeem them at our online store before July 31, and let Joy know that you’re a June winner when you check out.
WoooHooo! We got some writers here.
Mahalo for reading!