Chili and Cheese Fries

figured it’s time to visit Zippy’s again not the restaurant the take-out, where food is less expensive and you can still sit down if you so desire the cashier was pretty but about fifty years beyond my age group I ordered my favorite chili and cheese fries the cheapest way to seriously add calories and…

Stamping License Plates

I wrote like a madman Poured my whole soul into it At least what I thought was my soul Didn’t answer the phone Forgot to shave and didn’t brush my teeth Struggled to find my muse in the bottle Only to get drunk earlier than usual Strived to make great literature Out of the mad…

On Election Day

Boy and Uncle: Election   –Gonfonnit! Damn pen leak all over. –What you doing? –My mail vote. I vote erry single election since I was 16! –Ah, you couldn’t vote when you was 16, Uncle. –I know, I know. But my mother ask me who take care da Chinese people. So I tell her what…

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