A very rough draft of ON HE RODE — Chapter Thirty-Four

“Need help?” I inquire through my open shotgun window. The family assumes a defensive posture that has Daddy holding a jack handle at the back of the car, Junior crouching unarmed behind him, Mama looking stern behind Junior, and Sis leaning on the right front fender behind Mama. “Flat tahr,” Daddy answers. “Bad luck,” I…

Enduring 2020

She lifts her left foot slowly, moving forward Steadily, if only by six inches. This Is how she gets to Foodland every Thursday, Senior discount day.   She is as tiny as the gray weeds growing Along the curb. I fear even a light wind Will nudge her off balance, yet her steps are sure,…

This is a very rough draft of ON HE RODE — Chapter Thirty-Three

One thing about owning an old car is that it gives you a good excuse to spend hours poking around wrecking yards, archaeological sites of great interest and value as repositories of automotive truth. Having just excised two adjectives from that sentence, I’m wondering whether to put them back in and whether I should find…

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