If you pay attention, nothing is trivial
Running her fingers through her hair
Primping her hair
Brushing hair from her forehead
Glancing at her fingernails
Looking skyward
Nervous laughter
Darting eyes
Shifting her weight
Forgetting to eat
Drinking more
Twisting a ring
Turning a bracelet
Fingering her necklace
Laughing at nothing
Running her finger around the rim of her glass
Running her fingers along the glass stem
Touching your hand across the table.
Cupping her hands under her chin
Raising her eyebrows
Turning her head sideways to see her profile
Moving closer, putting her hands under her chin, elbows on the table.
Crossing her legs
Tugging at her skirt
Fussing with her earrings
Pulling down her sweater
Pursing her lips
Licking her lips
Adding lipstick
Leaving lipstick on the rim of a glass
Adjusting a bra strap on her shoulder
Taking shallow breaths
Taking deep breaths
Holding back a tear
Moving her hands like a butterfly
Touching her cheek to feel the heat
Touching her throat to feel the pulse
Lowering her eyes
Lowering, raising her voice
Moving her shoulders to the rhythm of a piano bar
Humming to herself.
Standing to leave, she turns sideways, leans her arm on the table, drops her chin, lowers her eyes, and smiles.
She says, “You want to know what I am thinking? Watch me – I’m speaking to you.”
Prompt: Unknown