Fresh Meat

Fresh Meat

and I say this loosely
who start anew
later in life
like in our 50’s
realize the ramifications
of our actions
but we proceed into deep space anyway.
We press on with resolve and courage
because we know
that time
keeps running ahead
and the best that we can do is
try to keep up.
Call me
and something other than normal
I just need
to go over the hurdles
a little slower
and every once in awhile
I enjoy
a good swift kick
to get me started
because the doubters
bring big suitcases
with hard shells
then like to tuck them
into deep niches and hang out
demanding telescopes and mirrors
with plenty of extra batteries
to focus beyond the present
into the blacker than black void
to ping in mathematical sequences
and then to listen
with a bit of trepidation
for some sign of intelligence and wit
so they can share
the miracle of
a verse
or some meaty prose
with their friends.
Not forgetting the remnant
who exist in the outer reaches
who are voracious
for new material
and have not heard
a good story
in eons.

The ancient ones
who have endured
for centuries
like birds of prey
on dry carrion
who will continue to exist
long after
our dusty bones
lie frozen
on a cold dead planet
hurtling through space.

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