2014 Year of the Horse Monthly Writing Contest Begins!

Happy Chinese New Year! 2014 is the ‘Year of the Horse’ and we’re continuing with our monthly writing contest.

As in the past few months, this month there is no word limit for your entries. HOWEVER, we are also looking for haiku entries, if you are so inclined. The triggers for this month are lines taken from the following two texts:

  1. they could watch everything
  2. it didn’t matter very much
  3. used to being stared at
  4. what is your name?
  5. we’ll see how he treats you
  6. they were the wrong size
  7. youthful strength

From “Ke Kaua Panina (The Last Battle)”

Kamapuaʻa, pig child,
The hog that roots up the land
Whose hand seizes the war club
Standing on the island of Kauaʻi.
Your name, make answer,
The prize pig of the heavens.

From “Waiʻauʻau a Hiʻiaka (Bathing Pool of Hiʻiaka)”

Pele-Honua-Mea grows restless from time to time. Lying on her bed of lava, sleepless, sighing, turning from side to side, she feels the ache, loneliness caused by the absence of her sister, Hiʻiaka-i-ka-poli-o-Pele. She had carried Hiʻiaka in her bosom, had sent her on the errand to Kauaʻi to return with Lohiʻau. Impatient, her swiftly rising anger overpowering her, Pele accused her sister of wrongdoing and covered Lohiʻau with hot ash. Hiʻiaka had left, swearing never again to look upon the face of her sister. Pele, in the long silent nights remembers and weeps. From time to time a desire to see her sister once again causes Pele to send out her spiritual form to Kauaʻi where Hiʻiaka lives.

From BAMBOO RIDGE Number 81, Spring 2002, New Moon

  1. Cinderella mentality
    from “Luciano and da Break Room Divas,” by Lisa Linn Kanae
  2. on the day of the birth
    from “Popo’s Shoes,” by Bridget Dung
  3. as long as she damn well pleased
    from “The Passing of Time,” by Darlene M. Javar
  4. we called an ambulance
    from “Painting Carolyn’s Bedroom in August,” by Robin Lim
  5. you’re coming with me
    from “The Joy-Agent,” by Ian MacMillan
  6. he couldn’t do anything
    from “Manuela Boy,” by Michael McPherson
  7. what were you thinking?
    from “The Visitors,” by Cathleen Moore-Linn
  8. SPAM
    from “Andy Warhol and Kahuku Grandma Must Be Soulmates,” by Leah Shlachter
  9. From “Trying to Get Home” by Ken Tokuno

In the forced patience of five o’clock on the H-1 Freeway,
My glance was pulled across the lanes, to an older haole
Man, bent over his steering wheel in a posture of sorrow.
Cradling his shoulders was a bright, multi-floral lei.

He was on his way home from the airport,
Having seen his youngest daughter depart for Seattle.
It was she who gave him the lei, herself
Having too many to take with her at the gate.

He had lingered too long in the terminal after her departure,
Watching her plane leave the runway and vanish
Into the incessant blue over Kaimuki
Where he was now heading through the commuters

Some with their own farewells fastened to the future
Or stored in their pasts. The traffic edged forward
And I lost sight of him as he continued in the direction
Of the horizon over which the sun would rise the next day.

Use one of the prompts to trigger your piece AND if you use one of the lines in your piece, your mojo is strong : )

Contest Rules

1. You can submit one entry per month. All entries must be posted on the Bamboo Shoots page of the BRP site between March 1 and March 31 at 2:00 p.m. HST.

2. Entries can be prose (including short stories, nonfiction essays, or whatever you write), poetry, or plays -- or any type of hybrid writing you dream up.

*Don't forget to click the "Year of the Horse Contest" button for your entry.

3. Every entry must have a title -- unless you choose to enter a haiku, in which case you should simply enter the word haiku in the title section -- unless you do have a title -- and the title does NOT count against the word total.

4. In the section below the title where it says:

A blurb about your piece or a good quote from your piece:

You MUST -- REALLY NOT KIDDING -- include your word count.

Your entry should look like this:

Title: I Don't Get It / or just Haiku

A blurb about your piece or a good quote from your piece: 20 words


He got out of his car, came to my window, asked me to roll it down -- which I foolishly did -- and punched me in the face. . . . blah blah blah . . . Compared to me he was pretty bloody by the time we finished fighting for no reason I could figure out.

5. Winners will be announced with all possible BR speed after 2:00 p.m. HST, March 31, and they'll win Bamboo Bucks credit to spend in the BRP online bookstore. WOOOOOHOOOOO!!! And may you'll be published in a future issue of Bamboo Ridge : )

6. Don't forget that 29 entries from July 2010 through June 2011 were selected for publication in the landmark 100th issue of BAMBOO RIDGE. So you never know. Your piece might be published in a future issue of BAMBOO RIDGE

Good luck to you, and write like want the new year to be your year : )

This prompt is closed for submissions.

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