It’s fuckin fucked up ovah here
Everybody coming not jes for play tourist
But fo fuckin live, permanent kine, like death
All da construction fo build houses fo rich guys
Da frickin crazy traffic and jammed up beaches
Da screwed up environment with no more peace
If you gotta come, make it short
The more brief, the less grief
And while you here
Eh, no touch da turtles
Eh, no hassle da seals
Eh, say “please” and “thank you”
Who you tink you, brah?
We ain’t your slaves
And nuff with all da noise
Big time enough with all da noi-oi-oi-oi-oi-se!
No make anymore
Make like a mime in a soundproof box
If you really like make something
Make like one tree and leave
Go go go go go already
Da airport stay dat-a-way
No “laters” for you
Like we going see you again
Like we like see you again
No more aloha and leis and hugging and kissing
No more fond farewell
E komo/kipa mai my ass
Until we don’t meet again
We jes like say goodbye
Prompt: Writing Prompts for the September Year of the Ox Writing Contest