Writing Contest Prompt for F 06.26 from Lanning: Countdown

Aloha #WriterFriday, I hope you’re ready for the weekend. Today’s #WritingPrompt is


Use it to inspire a piece of writing, and then post that piece as a contest entry below, or as a non-contest entry on the Shoot da Breeze page:  https://www.bambooridge.org/bambooshoots/shoot-da-breeze/

Here’s today’s draft.


“They big,” said Yamamoto, “but not the biggest.  My Uncle Harry’s a realtor.  Lemme see what he knows.”

Yamamoto used one phone.  Chan called headquarters on another.  The operator connected him with Detective Walter Anderson.

Anderson informed Chan that the realtor’s name was indeed Kazuo Takahashi.

“And you’re certain it’s suicide,” said Chan.

“Single shot.  Right temple.  Powder burns.  Paraffin test shows gunpowder residue on his hand.”

“Was there a note?”

“Yeah.  Sorry for what he’d done.  Yada yada yada.  We found other documents.  Handwriting looks genuine.”

Chan explained what he and Yamamoto were working on.  “Walt, since it appears we’re already on top of this whole situation, Vic and I’ll handle it.”

Chan hung up, then waited for Yamamoto.  All along the walls of the reception area were photos of the salespeople.  Chan stopped in front of Kazuo Takahashi’s picture.  He looked into Takahashi’s smiling eyes, imagined him putting a gun to his head, pulling the trigger.  That point of no return.

Then Chan pictured someone placing a gun in Takahashi’s hand and pulling the trigger with him.  There’d be a struggle.  Could a single strong person restrain Takahashi?  Would it be two or more people holding him down?


By participating in the Bamboo Shoots community, you agree to the following rules:
  1. We reserve the right to remove content that promotes hate or gratuitous violence. Be respectful and courteous to others.
  2. All contest challenge entries must be submitted by the designated
  3. Enter as many times as you like using a trigger/prompt (this page).
  4. Contest Challenge entries can be prose (including short stories, nonfiction essays, or whatever you write), poetry, or plays -- or any type of hybrid writing you dream up.
  5. Every entry must have a title -- unless you choose to enter a haiku, in which case you can simply enter the word haiku in the title section.
  6. All content/entries should be original work. You retain ownership of your entries; however, we may ask to use them elsewhere on the site or on social media to help promote Bamboo Ridge and/or the Bamboo Shoots online writing community.
  7. Winners will be announced with all possible speed after the end of each month. Winners receive 10 Bamboo Bucks credit to spend in the BRP online bookstore. Bamboo Bucks have no monetary value outside of the online store.
  8. Entries may also be selected for publication in the regular Bamboo Ridge Journal. If your piece is chosen, the editors will contact you via the email address on file.
  9. Please note that you need not enter the contest challenge in order to post on Bamboo Shoots. You may post other writing if you choose. We welcome that here:  Click this link to go to Shoot da Breeze.

This prompt is closed for submissions.

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