Marie Hara, President
Darrell Lum & Eric Chock, Editors and Co-Founders of Bamboo Ridge, explain to all of us the "one issue at a time" long-term plan : ) Here's to Issue Number 200. I want to be there for that one : ) Mahalo nui loa to both of you for your many hard years of dedication to the Bamboo Ridge cause. May you both enjoy good health, good reading, and good writing for 10,000 years.
Jean Yamasaki Toyama: "Bloody Easy" (plus : ) — and if we're lucky, Jean will send us the full text to post here — hint hint. Jean, again, in the spirit of Wine & Words:
Alors, je vais chercher du bon vin a la cave : )
By the way, do we know where Mr. and Mrs. Thibault are right now? Didn't see any pictures of them at W&W. Must be retired and living the good life . . . enjoying that wine cellar, no doubt : )
Lanning Lee: The 4-1-1 on 1-0-0. Oh, by the way, Dr. Rieder, we were all totally bummed out that you weren't there. We all wanted to know if Harold Bloom had given the last HP movie installment a big two thumbs up : )
Bill Teter: "Changing Lanes." Bill, we still want to see the one you liked more : )
Lee Cataluna: Get ready for BR Issue #99 Three Years on Doreen's Sofa — I can hardly wait : )
Kristel Yoneda: "Grandpa Is an Astronaut" read by Bill Teter. Ms. Yoneda, start saving now for an airline ticket. We all want you there for the fo'real BR Issue Number 100 W&W celebration so you can read live and in-person : )
Lanning Lee: "Mother of Mercy! Is this the end of Rico?"
"Mr. James R. Harstad: He Can Bring the Water, and a (space) Lot More."
Jim Harstad: "The Unforgettable Flight." God bless you, Gail Glockner — wherever you may be. We'll be toasting you until the end of time : )
Donald Carreira Ching: "Traditions." Donald, all signs point to your doing very well in the English MA program. Best wishes for butt-kicking success there : )
Lee Tonouchi: "Hawaiian Santa" — Looking forward to the CD. Sure to be a holiday season classic, an den : )
Doodie Cruz: "Safe Keeping." Doodie, the full story you told about this was amazing. Please write that up just the way you told it and submit it as the introduction to your beautiful piece.
Lois-Ann Yamanaka: "Living with Autism: A Work in Progress." Lois-Ann, what can we say? You da woman : )
Terri Nakamura: "I nevah know my mada was one lesbian." Terri, we know you want to be listed as A. Soyama in the actual 100th issue, but . . . please let us list you as Terri Nakamura. Please think about it : )
This last photo added 08/06/11, courtesy of Darrell Lum : )
And if you missed the Honolulu Pulse photos, here's a link:
Guy, you da man! Thanks for taking pics.
The pictures came out great! Everyone looks so perfect while reading. Thank you, Mr. Teter for reading my piece for me!
I promise I'll be there for the next celebration. Just tell me when 🙂
This is unrelated, but I haven't seen Mr. Harstad in
over 10 years and I swear he looks younger than he did when I was in HS.