Bamboo Ridge Press recently made the list of fifty turning points in Hawaiʻi's history since statehood.
Bamboo Ridge Press recently made the list of fifty turning points in Hawaiʻi's history since statehood.
Bamboo Ridge Press Gives Hawaii Writers a Voice
December 1, 1978
We take it for granted that there is such a thing as local literature, in which authors such as Lois-Ann Yamanaka, Nora Okja Keller or Chris McKinney fearlessly write stories about the real Hawaii—sometimes violent, sometimes tragic, anything but the idyllic melting pot that outsiders might perceive.
However, this literature might not exist today if Darrell Lum and Eric Chock hadn’t launched Bamboo Ridge, a literary magazine for local voices, in December 1978. Bamboo Ridge Press has since published hundreds of writers and poets in more than 90 issues of the magazine, as well as numerous local novels. You can hear selections from Bamboo Ridge on Hawaii Public Radio or join in the lively discussions of local literature and identity at