Lee Cataluna of The Honolulu Advertiser reviews Lisa Linn Kanae’s new book "Islands Linked by Ocean."
Here’s an excerpt:
"The UH vs UNLV pre-game show had already begun when Sheldon discovered that his television remote needed two new AAA batteries."
That glorious tension-packed opening line blasts off one of the stories in Lisa Linn Kanae’s new book "Islands Linked by Ocean."
A line like that is more than a hook, it’s a shop vac sucking you in. Kanae’s stories are that way, life boiled down to those crucial moments, unique to her characters but familiar to all. You absolutely know the office ladies in "Luciano and the Breakroom Divas" and wish you could have been with them the night they went to watch opera.
To read the full article, hop on over to Lee Cataluna’s review over at The Honolulu Advertiser
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