John Heckathorn praises Lisa Linn Kanae in his Star Bulletin column.

John Heckathorn mentioned Lisa Linn Kanae in his column in the Star Bulletin.

Game prose
I’ve always enjoyed Lisa Linn Kanae’s short stories. My favorite is called "Sassy at the Banyan Veranda." Once, Kanae was having tea at the Banyan Veranda when she saw a table of older local ladies playing a bridal party game with a shot glass, an Alka-Seltzer tablet and a condom.

The story, which you are welcome to consult for details, is in Kanae’s latest book, "Islands Linked by Oceans," which got a launch party at Kapiolani Community College last Tuesday. In the back of the room was a long table graced with, you guessed it, shot glasses, foil packs of Alka-Seltzer, etc.

So many of Kanae’s literary friends and paddling friends played the game that there had to be two rounds, plus a final championship round, before a winner was determined: KCC counselor Regina Ewing.

"This most fun I’ve ever had at a literary event," said Kanae, who also thanked her husband, Scott Turn, who "ran to Longs last minute to buy condoms, even though he nevah win."

Kanae will have another reading at UH on Thursday. No games.

You can read the rest of Heckathorn’s prase for Kanae by hopping over to the Star Bulletin.

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