Septembah Year a da Rat Writing Contes Winnahs. Yay : )

Ho was tough.  I tell you da judges was cogitating long time ova many beahs, an finally dey killed one 12-pack, an finally one more 12-pack before dey figgah out get one tie.

Yeah!  Fo real.  WoooHooo, two awards.  Congrats to Joy Gold and Darrell Lum. You know da drill.  You each won 10 Bamboo Bucks fo spen inside da BRP online store.  Jes tell da Boss, da uddah Joy, you one Septembah winah when you check out.

In addition, you bot’ won one supah special award.

Joy, at firs da judges was goin give you Da Mos Remin Us of AC/DC Award, but afta more arguing an one small kine fis fight, you won We No Like You Punch da Judges (or Bamboo Buckaroo) So We Giving You One Award, Award.

Darrell, dis one special ‘cuz “topical,” said one a da judges.  I tink was Eric.  Anyway, you won Da Mos Remin Us da Educational Testing Service Might Go Bankrup ‘Cuz Planny People Canna Take da SAT Award.

Congratulations.  Use da Bamboo Bucks by Octobah 31.  So probably not smaht you save um fo Trick-or-Treat.  Way too late.  Plus kids might eat um.  Or hate you.

Talk story

  1. Darrell Lum says:

    Bamboo Bucks mo worse den one toothbrush in your Halloween bag. But still, I am grateful. Hope more folks post their own stuff. No shame. And you can ignore any or all of the Buckeroo’s prompts. Prompts are like your mother telling you to say, “thank you.” No need. Jes write!

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