Okay, so sorry to be late on here. My high school alma mater has been a rough two weeks, and all the activity plum wore me out. But I’m back, because if there’s another thing besides his high school that Bamboo Buckaroo wants to keep going it’s the BRP monthly writing contest, now in our 13th year.
So here we go with our January winners. Was a tough exercise, but these brave souls rose to the occasion and made Jim Harstad proud. Each of you has won the much coveted 10 Bamboo Bucks to use in the BRP online store. Send an email to
and the good people at that end will send you a code you can use when you check out. Of the online store, that is. Make sure to use your 10 Buckaroos before the end of February.
And the winners are:
Doreen Beyer
Congratulations to all of you. Now hop on over to check out the first writing prompts for the Year of the Rabbit. And then, you know it, let’s write : )
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