Surfacing from mysterious waters,
red koi are seen above a labyrinth of
squiggles and lines, the water
not water, but hallucinogenic blemishes
of green, lavender, yellow, gold–
the overwhelming sensation of being
submerged in loud, unrelenting background
noise, the sudden understanding of koi
struggling below, entangled in a net
of anxious disorientation.
Viewing a sample of this artist’s
mixed-media abstract is like entering a
universe of colliding messages, of
merging meanings–and if I’m honest,
I am blinded by my own prejudices, unable,
even afraid to see what essential truth the artist
had hoped to reveal. By slowing down,
becoming more attentive, more personally
engaged–I find, quite unexpectedly,
the surprise of a kindred spirit.
I really like this. It is a good reminder to keep yourself open to different forms of art and writing.