Year of the Dragon Haiku JANUARY Crisp cool New Year’s day Waking bird songs joined by Sound of sweeping brooms. 1/1/2024. We woke early to sweep up the red firecracker debris from the New Year’s Eve celebration. Glistening in grass Last Dew drops sparkle before Gone with rising sun. eyk 1/19/2024 FEBRUARY Long lines for…
Bamboo Shoots Submission for December 2024 Year of the Dragon Bamboo Shoots Writing Contest Prompts
Quiet the Night
I was reading a piece this morning that a friend, maybe drafted yesterday, and posted online. There is a phrase about laughter, how it splays down the streets of the city at 2:00 a.m. I can picture that, the splaying, echoes bouncing off dark buildings, reaching, a hand, fingers of sound running down empty streets,…
Okay, listen very carefully because I will now speak in Pig Latin. Er, I mean READ very carefully because I will now WRITE in Pig Latin. As-way always-way, ese-they ompts-pray are-way ere-hay or-fay ou-yay oo-tay ignore-way. In-way other-way words-way, feel-way free-way to-way ignore-way them-way and-way write-way about-way anything-way you-way want-way to-way write-way about-way. As you…