I am past being upset far beyond the nostalgic nonsense poking into a brand new box eager to sample the exquisite assortment of dark creamy nutty nougats my fingers prying through the outer shells examining the prize within finding new pleasures under the sun.
Bamboo Shoots Submission for General Poetry
Wasted Words
Comments about the War on Drugs–rictameter
Say what? You didn’t know about The Great BR Short-Short Story Contest? No sweat! Here are the rules: 1. The piece can be no more than 100 words long. 2. The piece must have a title, and the title does NOT count against the 100 words. 3. The piece must be submitted on the Bamboo…
Bamboo Shoots Submission for General Poetry
A few musings from airports and a couple from mornings
Bamboo Shoots Submission for General Poetry
Kincaid’s in 10 Seconds
Great imaginings Leave wet blankets hung to twist In summer sunlight
Bamboo Shoots Submission for General Poetry
11 Seconds At Kincaid’s
To friends that pop your unworthy imaginings: Thanks a lot – may my blanket too, be someday wet for you.
Bamboo Shoots Submission for General Poetry
Nurturing Hands
telling a story
Bamboo Shoots Submission for General Poetry
Pasta Poem
I really love my pasta!!
Bamboo Shoots Submission for General Poetry
Fire god
I took this photo with my Kodak Z915 using a high speed card.