Cherita is the Malay word for story or tale. A Cherita consists of a single stanza of a one-line verse, followed by a two-line verse, and then finishing with a three-line verse. It can either be written solo or with up to three partners.
Bamboo Shoots Submission for General Poetry
Cinderella Shoes
Cinderella Shoes My wife discarded Some of her shoes today She gave to me the task Of stowing them away Carefully, In a small square box, A donation To some other woman’s dreams. I recall now As, I pick up a pair, The excitement she felt when She discovered their flair And still another I…
Bamboo Shoots Submission for General Poetry
When Did We Get to Be So Old?
I was surprised to hear of the death of an old Boy Scout buddy. When I went to the funeral, I was even more struck how all of us former scouts had aged and matured. The thought ran through my mind was if we could have predicted how each of us would have turned out. E. Kimura
Bamboo Shoots Submission for General Poetry
Determining GOOD
Right doesn’t have to explain itself to wrong. Good wins over evil. Consider this, No one is GOOD. We instinctively know this and then reject it perhaps that is why we ask WHY. We need to fit all the answers into a nice little package and then later forget the question. Future peoples may ask…
Bamboo Shoots Submission for General Poetry
Pithy sayings Otherwise overlooked Engage readers with Moving metaphors Allotting thirty Daily Allegories to raise and encourage emerging Young poets.
Bamboo Shoots Submission for General Poetry
50’s Milestone Memoirs
Poem a Day charge’s brain’s battery. 50’s boomer hikes Diamond Head trail. Still trying to learn new things. Changing with times sparks stimulus package. 50’s best life is staying green. 50’s quiet reflection six word memoirs. Golf at 50 sinks two putts. 50’s golf swing flies the distance. Book smart babe writes poetry books. 50’s…
Bamboo Shoots Submission for General Poetry
Time Well Spent
Time well spent is a man sowing seeds in rich loam watering and feeding diligently day after day repeating the process until finally he eats the reward. is a good book read in pursuit of personal growth that gives up its seat on the train of popular thought. is a belief challenged on the road…
Bamboo Shoots Submission for General Poetry
Kona winds scatter lightweight objects to four converse corners a tiresome puzzle to piece together.
Bamboo Shoots Submission for General Poetry
The oldest child breaks through barriers. The middle kid sports steel determination. Sisters exchange secrets friends share information. Siblings have rivalry friends craft alliance. The youngest one never grows old. Sisters for life family still rules.
Bamboo Shoots Submission for General Poetry
A Great Dane’s Report on New Year’s Eve in Hawaii
I would be the first to piss on all of them and all their explosives. I would make sure to tinkle on all of their matches not a single aerial or even a piece of obnoxious red paper would remain dry. This colossal stain would wreak a reminder that these islands are shared by all….