My challenge was the Golden Shovel: A newer form, inspired by Gwendolyn Brooks. I took a line from an existing poem and used each word as the end word in my own lines.
This is the line from the poem I chose.
There is no greater sorrow than to recall our times of joy in wretchedness.
By Dante Alighieri, Inferno
My challenge.
The Butcher’s Nightmare
We all stood there
Thinking it isn’t, but truly, it is.
To the myriad quests for solutions, the answer is no.
How can the end result be greater?
Drenched in blood soaked sheets of sorrow
There’s nothing more tragic than
Waking to a world with no answers to
questions like this : Why is it so impossible to recall?
This is our own reality, our
chance. Is it impossible to search for peaceful times?
What are we all so afraid of?
Devoid of the slightest shred of joy,
Can we all go in
And live in this house of wretchedness?
Mahalo for reading!