
Dark wood of indeterminate pedigree, it is unfinished but organically varnished by human handling. Eighty-odd years old, corners rounded, several of its convex beads nicked, it’s as sturdy as ever, still functional. White paint markings painstakingly deposited into carved grooves are intact. Its craftsman meant it to last, but we’ll never know its origin, just…

When Jiji Sent Me a Chocolate Colored Buddha

Hotei-sama looks like he’s covered in glossy chocolate ganache He found me at a silent auction My favorite of the seven gods Fat Buddha, Happy Buddha, Hotei-Sama, Budai These are all his names Laying on his side holding his sack of gold in his right hand Prayer beads in his left Head to toe with rolly-poly-ness: Bald atama Chubby cheeks and earlobes…

Collateral Damage

“You never kill the gecko.” “Can I just put it outside, then?” “No! Leave it alone. It takes care the cockroaches.” “But it will make doodoo and might lay eggs.” “That’s okay. I rather have gecko doodoo and eggs than cockroach doodoo and eggs.” Thus programmed in childhood, to her dismay she discovered not one,…

Alternatively purposed

There it is again, out in the open, poking her eye, that tilly-pink box with the green leaves that doesn’t belong to her, white cursive font announcing its contents. A week ago, about to load the washer, she found him at the laundry tub, swishing three ball caps around in a bucket of soapy liquid….

Writing Prompts (to Potentially Ignore) for the November Year of the Ox Bamboo Shoots Writing Contest

Hmmm, let try something new.  How about this.  Look around where you are right now and choose something to write about.  Just don’t write about Christmas yet, okay?  Hold back for now, just like the retailers do. That’s right.  You get to choose your own topic. All entries must be between 100 words minimum and…

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