I was born in a land of English speakers, where parents believed speaking English was the key to success. My father was only a first-generation American English speaker. His parents, both born and raised in Korea but living here, spoke Korean only, sadly could never communicate with me, except through my father, believed, too, that…
Bamboo Shoots Submission for Year of the Tiger -- March Contest
Tutu’s muʻumuʻu closet: 321 words
This is da room dat nevah change. So many years gone by, but we keep em da way it was. Wen Tutu lived in it. I nevah met her. But I know her, I tink I know her. Sometimes, I even tink she stay inside da closet, moving around in her muʻumuʻus. I smell da…
Bamboo Shoots Submission for Year of the Tiger -- March Contest
A Daily Grace
Words leak outside their decibel range, float down the hall, lap at thin walls, waking up sister–the start of a new choreography. 4 a.m. Mom at dad’s bedside waiting for a deposit once done independently, with primitive efficiency, a simple trip to the bathroom erased by unrelenting pain–the master of a new existence. 4 a.m….
Bamboo Shoots Submission for Year of the Tiger -- March Contest
Good Bones
Recently, Ricotta, named after the cheese but in a kind and loving way, and her mother moved into an old and friendly looking house along the highway. The house was the shape of the houses children draw when they are learning to draw houses: a roof like a triangle sitting on a box, two windows…
Bamboo Shoots Submission for Year of the Tiger -- March Contest
Herstory Month
Women’s History Month why we nevah jus call um Herstory Month enough wid his story how evry time foah how many centuries we only get his story an mostly whitewashed version of dat – no color jalike Tom Sawyer’s fence dat he wen get his frens foah paint while he sat back den told his…
Bamboo Shoots Submission for Year of the Tiger -- March Contest
One of a Kind
A friend, a school band director, professional drummer, jazz fanatic, and high-end audiophile, reports he’s just back from a west coast trip, had visited graves of celebrities in L.A. He’s searching for a photo on his phone, one burial site he was most interested in, Buddy Rich, an all-time drummer of renown. He says it’s…
Bamboo Shoots Prompt for Year of the Tiger -- March Contest
March 2022 Year of the Tiger Bamboo Shoots Writing Contest Prompts : )
Happy Women’s History Month to all of you writers. Okay, this month we’re going for 100 words minimum again. No upper word limit again. Remember, these prompts are suggestions only. Feel free to ignore them and write whatever you want to write about. Women’s history Women Mothers Daughters Sisters Glass ceilings Pay equity Housewives Househusbands…