BR E-News for 02/19/11

Aloha to all you wonderful friends and supporters of BAMBOO RIDGE. I hope you all had a very Happy Valentine's Day.

In case you didn't hear the good news, on February 3rd Punxsutawney Phil did not — I repeat did not — see his shadow. So you know what that means, right? It means that Eric and Darrell are extending the Chinese New Year 33% sale at the BRP online store. Spring is in the air, so they want all of you to help them clean out the BRP inventory.

The "official" title of this continuing 33% discount sale is: The Great BR Fishing & Wishing 100 – 100 Sale.

Visit the online store and help Eric and Darrell spring clean out everything:

Yes. Darrell and Eric want to keep the 33% discount sale going in honor of the new BR contest that will begin March 1st and run through March 31st at 2:00 p.m. Hawaiian Standard Time (midnight GMT).

Here are the rules for the new contest: The first Great BR Fishing & Wishing 100 – 100 Contest

1. All entries must be posted on the Bamboo Shoots page of the BRP site between March 1st and March 31st at 2:00 p.m. HST:

2. The entries — prose, poetry, or hey! even plays — must be between 100 WORDS minimum and 100 LINES maximum. Sound familiar? It's a cross between the 100-word short-short story contest and the 100-line submission maximum for the upcoming 100th issue of BAMBOO RIDGE.

If you plan to approach the 100 line maximum, please draft your work following the original submission guidelines: double-spaced with 1” margins, using 12 pt. Times Roman.

3. Every entry must have a title, and that title does NOT count against either the word total or the line total.

4. In the section below the title where it says

A blurb about your piece or a good quote from your piece:

You must include your word count. For example:

Title: Why I Live at Black Point in the Winter

A blurb about your piece or a good quote from your piece: 832 words

Body: After I made my first million, which was way too easy, blah blah blah . . . blah blah blah. So that's why now I can only afford to live at Black Point for three months a year.

5. There are TWO writing themes to choose from, inspired by pieces from the first two issues of BAMBOO RIDGE way back in the 1970s when Eric and Darrell were child prodigies:

Theme Number 1: Nowadays Not Like Before
Theme Number 2: A Letter to ____________

Pick one theme — or both if you'd like that challenge — and write your entry accordingly.

6. Winners will be announced shortly after 2:00 p.m. HST on March 31st and will win Bamboo Bucks credit to spend in the BRP online bookstore.

7. Winners may or may not be published in a future issue of BAMBOO RIDGE : )

So there you have the ten rules — oh, sorry, it's only seven rules — of the first Great BR Fishing & Wishing 100 – 100 Contest

Note: If you'd like to read the two pieces used for the theme choices, you can find them here:

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In the BR Teachers' Corner, check out Jean Toyama's advice to students at St. Andrew's Priory about writing:

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Pick up some cool stuff and visit the BRP table at the Cane Haul Road Seconds Sale, Saturday, February 26th:

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Juliet Kono will be reading at Waialua Library on Thursday, March 3rd:

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BRP's four champions of renshi will be reading from NO CHOICE BUT TO FOLLOW on Friday, March 11th at the Chaminade University Chapel:

And again at the Kapiolani Community College International Festival, along with Juliet Kono, on Tuesday, March 15th:

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Until we meet again, in the virtual world or fo'real, everybody take good care, stay well, and write on!

Talk story

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