129 words. Trigger#4 each small piece of me. It is your kuleana to actively seek ways to learn your history, language, and culture. You alone are responsible for your learning. I get that. But on this particular day I discovered kuleana is also about acceptance of yourself.
Bamboo Shoots Submission for General Prose
Jewels like tattoos
353 words. Symbolism in all that goes bling!
Bamboo Shoots Submission for General Prose
Needle and Thread
Sonny Chillingworth, one of Hawai'i's prolific and renowned slack key artist, tells a story about the early love between his grandparents. Both families did not approve of their relationship, so his grandfather would court his beloved at night. Here he would put a needle into her metal screen that covered her window, tied to it was string that would be waxed. The other end of the string would be pulled along to where his grandfather would be, and the end of the string put into his guitar. As his grandfather would play, the music would vibrate through the string and against the metal window where Sonny's grandmother would follow the music – and the string – to her love. This slack key technique is known as needle and thread.
Their love story inspired me to write this poem about my own love of my life. Our relationship started with a flower, that inspired him to write a song…and the rest is history.
Bamboo Shoots Submission for Year of the Snake
Even beautiful has trouble finding acceptance
Trigger #7. 137 heartfelt words. "She was a unique blend of worlds that rendered her beautiful in any region on earth." We're half-breeds, you and I, caught in between two worlds that sometimes have difficulty blending on the same platform. So where, I ask, do we find our sure footing to pour out what's in our heart when the world under our feet feels unsteady? Even beauty has trouble finding acceptance…
Bamboo Shoots Submission for Year of the Snake
Taste of A Song
99 words in how a summer night eating out at the food trucks can turn into something sensual.
Bamboo Shoots Submission for General Prose
30 Days of Sorrow & An Afternoon of Solace
"Tears like the shape of my own eyes fall from hers and the wind reaches up to lick them into oblivion. In that moment, I come to taste my own fault." This story came to me as I watched a young girl swim in the ocean with her long dress. It seemed so peaceful, yet it didn't fit, and so a story of loss and letting go began to stir and this was the result. 641 words.
Bamboo Shoots Submission for Year of the Snake
"This would be the last time she would know morning, by tomorrow, the stars would steal her away…" – 122 word count. Resumbitted for April 🙂
Bamboo Shoots Submission for General Prose
When we end in flames
"Warmth & pleasure pouring over as I arch my body to meet yours…" is this how your text messages start off?!? Well, between these two lovers it does. Read on and enjoy! – 150 word count.
Bamboo Shoots Submission for General Prose
My response to a song written for me using the ylang-ylang flower and my love for the composer who is from Wai'anae, thus the references to Ka'ala and Kaiaulu wind of that area.