Saturday night wasn’t busy in the Kapi‘olani building,
so no one from the Honolulu police could predict
an early morning phone call
that changed Hawai‘i forever.
Before the call came, Agnes Peeples
walked into the building at 12:45 a.m.
Agnes said her husband was driving
when they encountered a car filled with men
where King and Liliha intersect.
Although the cars didn’t hit,
Agnes and a man from the other car fought
resulting in blood seeping from her ear.
She remembered the car’s license number: 58-985,
and Cecil Rickard recorded her statement.
The phone rings at 1:47 a.m.,
so Captain Hans Kashiwabara picks up.
Tommie Massie reports an assault
and wants the police to visit his house.
The captain calls Detective John Jardine.
Then Jardine contacts Rickard
who instructs police to drive to the Massie home.
Detective Harbottle, Detective Furtado, and Officer Simerson
listen as Thalia Massie speaks:
She was at the Ala Wai Inn and went for a walk
at about midnight
when a car with four or five Hawaiians came by.
She was forced into the car and punched.
They drove her to a secluded area,
removed her from the car to the bushes,
and raped her six or seven times.
Talk story