And one day I will be old, my hair will turn grey, my dark brown will turn to white. The course hair of my grandmother will become my own. First with one strand then another, soon to turn into waves, coming in and out with the longs box dye I’ve seen my grandmother use. And…
Bamboo Shoots breeze
2025 “Hatsu Haiku” A Renga-like Group Composition 2nd attempt to submit
This New Year’s Day, in addition to the traditional Ozoni meal, sake toast, and oseichi meal, we had a group challenge to submit their First or “Hatsu” haiku of the new year. All participated and for some, this was their first haiku they composed. Subjects ranged from preparing for the NewYear’s meal, fireworks and feelings…
Bamboo Shoots breeze
Autumn – Winter Haiku
I was out in my yard one morning and heard the faint strains of reveille. Sometimes the wind carries it over from the East Range. It is one of those songs from early in my life when I was in the service. So I wrote the following, Cool Autumn morning Bugle call faintly heard Recalls…
Bamboo Shoots breeze
Jewels of Inferno
My challenge was the Golden Shovel: A newer form, inspired by Gwendolyn Brooks. I took a line from an existing poem and used each word as the end word in my own lines. This is the line from the poem I chose. There is no greater sorrow than to recall our times of joy in…
Bamboo Shoots breeze
In Memory of Humanity : a Than-bauk
Food near but far Gaza markets Old war no die
Bamboo Shoots breeze
No Can Help : a Nonet
We thought was going be pau by Christmas Dey nevah like start for talk yet Dey said gotta teach lessons People no mo kau kau No mo hospital Da land bus up. How you feel? My tale Pau
Bamboo Shoots breeze
Te Kete, te Tahā Wai ā te Rākau Ngaio (The Basket, the Calabash and the Ngaio Tree)
Aloha BR ‘Ohana, Missed the deadline of last month’s Shoots assignment. I composed a poem based on an ancient tale of the Māori people called Rona. The English translation follows. Hope you enjoy it. A tale of ancient times in a drought-ridden ʻāina. Te Kete, te Tahā Wai ā te Rākau Ngaio Kore wai…
Bamboo Shoots breeze
Akule I was home to Maui for the summer, home from the university and final exams. Dead broke, I took a job picking pineapples in the waning weeks of the season for a buck fifteen an hour, trying to get a head start on fall semester costs. I sweated for six weeks in the fields,…
Bamboo Shoots breeze
The Shift
The Shift Kyla-Marie K. Turner ENG 431 The big classroom hall lights switch off, the rows of chairs disappearing with the fading lights. Visibly, the classroom is reduced to just the “stage”. Two podiums on opposing side at the front of the classroom, the lights in the front creating a sort of spotlight which…
Bamboo Shoots breeze
The Sunshine State
The warm summer of 2021 will always be a cherished memory. I visited the mainland for the second time, the first being when I was five years old. Sixteen years made an entirely different experience for me. I have so many fond memories from that summer spent in the sunny state of Florida. Such as,…