She rocks back, forth, back and forth – a pendulum. Her hair trodden from the sullen cloud permanently fixed above. The red needle on the yellowed clock reads 7:56 a.m. and every morning the phone rings.
Wrong number. Some old man trying to reach Garrison Keillor – but she listens.
“I got a story,” he laughs and reminds her of Fred, her husband – a high pitched squeal ending with a cough.
The old man thinks she’s a Producer for the show, and she doesn’t deny the assumption. She used to let the phone ring through, but he listens.
Like the yellowed clock image. Also, the word "permanently" stands out to me. I hope that you work on this piece (the longer one) because I like what is going on. Hopefully readers will understand the story from this short excerpt. Glad you added some bio information.
I love this story. There is so much depth in just these 100 words. I particularly love the opening line and how the words themselves portray the back and forth of a pendulum. I also like the image of the sullen cloud, vivid. And, I love the last line it simultaneously answers and begs so many questions like why she talks to him, but what do they talk about? 😉 Nicely done.