Congratulations to all the October winners in The Great BR Fishing & Wishing 100 – 100 Contest. They’ve each won 10 Bamboo Bucks they can redeem in the BR online store.
Here are all the October winners and the names of the awards they’ve won:
Da mos Sometimes I Wish My Sistah Was One Puppy Too Award
Blood Sisters
Da mos Eric, Keep Posting Your Writing Award
Reiko’s Story
Da mos I Canna Say Even One Suckin Ting About Cell Phones Evah Made Me Smile Award
She Smiled
Da mos All 20 Temes?!?! You da Bomb! P.S. I Like Meet
Your Fictionally Awesome Mom Award
Da mos Wailana Coffee House Sucks — No It Doesn’t — Yes It Does —
No It Doesn’t — Y… Award
Wailana Coffee House Visits
Mahalo for reading!