Yeah, Baby! Writing Themes for September: The Great BR Fishing & Wishing 100 – 100 Online Contest Rolls On : )

Hey hey hey! It’s another writing theme bonus month : ) So many good ones to choose from. There are five — count ‘um FIVE — theme choices for September, taken from BR issues #13 and #14. They are:

Theme #1: It isn’t that hard growing old
Theme #2: Choose those things that unfailingly astonish you
Theme #3: Small kid time
Theme #4: Ways to fly
Theme #5: Grown up is better

Pick one theme — or all FIVE if you’d like that challenge : ) — and write your entry accordingly.

Note: For further creative inspiration, if you’d like to read the pieces used for the theme choices, you can find them here:

“Untitled,” by Karl Ichida

“Small Kid Time,” by Maxine Hong Kingston


Contest Rules

Here are the rules for The Great BR Fishing & Wishing 100 - 100 Contest:

1. You can submit one entry per month. All entries must be posted on the Bamboo Shoots page of the BRP site between September 1 and September 30 at 2:00 p.m. HST.

2. The entries -- prose, poetry, or hey! even plays -- must be between 100 WORDS minimum and 100 LINES maximum. Sound familiar? It's a cross between the 100-word short-short story contest and the 100-line submission maximum for the upcoming 100th issue of BAMBOO RIDGE.

If you plan to approach the 100 line maximum, please draft your work following the original submission guidelines: double-spaced with 1” margins, using 12 pt. Times Roman.

3. Every entry must have a title, and that title does NOT count against either the word total or the line total.

4. In the section below the title where it says

A blurb about your piece or a good quote from your piece:

You must include your word count. For example:

Title: Why I Live at Black Point in the Winter

A blurb about your piece or a good quote from your piece: 832 words

Body: After I made my first million, which was way too easy, blah blah blah . . . blah blah blah. So that's why now I can only afford to live at Black Point for three months a year.

5. Winners will be announced shortly after 2:00 p.m. HST, September 30, and will win Bamboo Bucks credit to spend in the BRP online bookstore.

6. Don't forget that 29 entries from July 2010 through June 2011 were selected for publication in the upcoming landmark 100th issue of BAMBOO RIDGE. So you never know. Your piece might be published in a future issue of BAMBOO RIDGE : )

Good luck and keep writing.

Note: I'm reading a very "serious" novel where the writer just said that "the night was sultry." I don't know if he was making a little joke, but I laughed out loud. THROW MAMA FROM THE TRAIN is one of my all-time favorite movies ab

This prompt is closed for submissions.

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