Writing Themes for June: The Great BR Fishing & Wishing 100 -100 Contest Rolls On : )

The two theme choices for June are taken from BR issues #7 and #8. They are:

Theme #1: Leaving
Theme #2: Precious

Pick one theme — or both if you’d like that challenge — and write your entry accordingly.

Note: For further creative inspiration, if you’d like to read the two pieces used for the theme choices, you can find them here:

Leaving, by Cathy Song.

Precious, by Darrell H.Y. Lum.


Contest Rules

Here are the rules for The Great BR Fishing & Wishing 100 - 100 Contest:

1. You can submit one entry per month. All entries must be posted on the Bamboo Shoots page of the BRP site between June 1 and June 30 at 2:00 p.m. HST.

2. The entries -- prose, poetry, or hey! even plays -- must be between 100 WORDS minimum and 100 LINES maximum. Sound familiar? It's a cross between the 100-word short-short story contest and the 100-line submission maximum for the upcoming 100th issue of BAMBOO RIDGE.

If you plan to approach the 100 line maximum, please draft your work following the original submission guidelines: double-spaced with 1” margins, using 12 pt. Times Roman.

3. Every entry must have a title, and that title does NOT count against either the word total or the line total.

4. In the section below the title where it says

A blurb about your piece or a good quote from your piece:

You must include your word count. For example:

Title: Why I Live at Black Point in the Winter

A blurb about your piece or a good quote from your piece: 832 words

Body: After I made my first million, which was way too easy, blah blah blah . . . blah blah blah. So that's why now I can only afford to live at Black Point for three months a year.

5. Winners will be announced soon after 2:00 p.m. HST on June 30th and will win Bamboo Bucks credit to spend in the BRP online bookstore.

6. Winners may or may not be published in a future issue of BAMBOO RIDGE : )

Good luck and keep on writing.

This prompt is closed for submissions.

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