Congratulations to all the September winners in The Great BR Fishing & Wishing 100 – 100 Contest. They’ve each won 10 Bamboo Bucks to use at the BRP online store. Here are all the September winners along with the awards they’ve won: Da mos Time Really Moves Us On Award: “Grown up Is Better,” by…
Bamboo Shoots Submission for Fishing100
Times Have Changed
The continuous impatiences of being a child in this big world and wanting to grow up more than anything. Word Count: 1,168
Bamboo Shoots Submission for Fishing100
A Care In This World
100 words. October theme #10.
Bamboo Shoots
The Way To Win
October 100 – 100 contest entry. 1289 words, 98 lines. For G.N., R.K, and O.H. And for Pele.
Bamboo Shoots Submission for Fishing100
Reiko’s Story
"She cried when they gave her the hand grenade" The hand grenade phrase caught my ear as it was told to me. Reiko's name is fictional. The story is as I heard it is true. This is in the "I didn't understand" category. 7 year olds usually didn't. 532 words
Bamboo Shoots Submission for Fishing100
The Wall
194 words, Theme #1, September Fishing & Wishing 100 – 100 entry
Bamboo Shoots Submission for Fishing100
Little Bikes and Streetlights
Small kid time is most memorable when you have friends to race around the cul de sac with. (100 word entry)
Bamboo Shoots Submission for Fishing100
Kawakami Delicatessen's Smallest Helper
September entry, BR Fishing & Wishing 100 – 100 contest, 253 words. Theme 3! Some of my favorite memories from childhood. Their food was damn delicious.
Bamboo Shoots Submission for Fishing100
Light and free, floating through the air. He longed to be like the balloons. (100 word entry)
Bamboo Shoots Submission for Fishing100
Summer of 1981
The world belonged to us. (100 words)